Flemming Povlsen to CANAL9

One of Denmark’s greatest footballers, the 47 year old Flemming Povlsen, is going to be a new football expert at CANAL9.

“We are very happy and proud to have an expert such as Flemming Povlsen on our team. For several years, Flemming has stood out as one of the best football experts in Denmark, and with his background as both an international top footballer and recently resigned assistant coach at OB he will provide our viewers with a unique look into both the Danish Superliga and all of our other football properties,” says head of sports for CANAL9, Michael Gravgaard.

Flemming Povlsen will start on 1 August and along with Stig Tøfting, Erik Rasmussen and Esben Hansen he will be part of the regular team of experts.

“CANAL9 covers Danish and international football at a very high standard and does so with an approach and style which greatly appeals to me. At the same time, I am deeply absorbed by the Danish Superliga, which at the moment is in a very exciting period. That is the story I look greatly forward to being a part of communicating to the viewers of CANAL9”, says Flemming Povlsen.

For further information, please contact:

Head of sports Michael Gravgaard on Tel. 20181920